Position: »TIEFENBACH WATERHYDRAULICS »Company »The Company



Nierenhofer Straße 68

45257 Essen

Phone: +49 201 84 83 19

North America

Port Colborne

Ontario L3K 4J8


Phone: +1 289 969 4897 

Tiefenbach Water Hydraulics

The Company
Tiefenbach Wasserhydraulik has over 50 years of experience in the design and manufacture of water hydraulic systems and components. Founded in 1997 by former Dr. Tiefenbach employees the Tiefenbach Wasserhydraulik company to the south of Essen in Germany's industrial heartland continues its development work, manufacturing a large range of water hydraulics products.

With a high proportion of in-house manufactured parts made on state-of-the-art equipment, Tiefenbach Wasserhydraulik offers a highly flexible approach to the customer's needs. Short lead times and maximum quality. To ensure that our efficiency and quality levels keep step with the latest requirements our CNC machines are replaced at regular intervals. We are able to machine blocks up to 10 tonnes in-house, so we can guarantee that, even with large systems, the whole manufacturing process, from the planning stage through to testing remains in our hands.

Design Department
Every manifold and every valve is designed with the latest 3D software. STEP files generated by this software allow data exchange with all generally available software, simplifying technical communication with our customers and minimising errors.