Position: »TIEFENBACH WATERHYDRAULICS »Company »Careers »Why Choose Tiefenbach?

Why Choose Tiefenbach

Tiefenbach Wasserhydraulik GmbH is a medium sized, traditional company located to the south of the German city of Essen. Working amongst a flexible and highly motivated group of people, we offer ideal conditions for individual professional advancement. For us an excellent working atmosphere is a prerequisite for productive collaboration. Individually tailored training programmes cater to each employees particular talents.  

For interested apprentices we offer... 
solid basic training
varied occupation, and the opportunity to take on independent tasks early on in the programme
strong chance of continuing with us after successful completion of your apprenticeship
appropriate salary

For our new employees we offer...
an optimum environment in which to develop your skills
responsible tasks and optimum working conditions
secure positions
good advancement opportunities
appropriate salary